This helped Lycanroc to calm down, and it was very apologetic towards Ash. Lycanroc attacked Litten and Litten fought back, with Ash placing himself between his two errant Pokémon. In A Masked Warning!, Ash discovered while washing Lycanroc that it was so proud of its appearance that it would fly into a rage and attack if its fur got dirty. Lycanroc going berserk after discovering its fur is dirty When Team Rocket showed up again and Jessie challenged Ash to a battle with her Mimikyu, Lycanroc mastered Continental Crush and sent Team Rocket blasting off, much to their surprise. After another attempt, Professor Kukui gave him some advice, which led to Ash training with Kiawe and his Turtonator. In Mimikyu Unmasked!, Ash had Lycanroc use Continental Crush against Team Rocket, but the attack failed. It then evolved into Dusk Form Lycanroc, after which it got happily embraced by its Trainer and the rest of Ash's party. Afterward, Rockruff went to the edge of a cliff and began to howl as the setting sun turned green. When Ash, Professor Kukui, and Olivia arrived at the ruins, Tapu Lele used Draining Kiss to drain stamina from Ash and the two Lycanroc, which was then used to heal Rockruff's wounds. The injured Puppy Pokémon was later found by Olivia and Gladion's Lycanroc, who brought it to the Ruins of Life, where Tapu Lele resided. The next day, Rockruff was walking on a cliffside when it got startled by a Fearow, causing it to fall down into a river. When Ash found Rockruff, he tried to stop it from running away again but failed. Rockruff was no match for the guardian deity, however, and was easily beaten. While training, it encountered Tapu Lele, who challenged it to a battle. In Rising from the Ruins!, Rockruff went off by itself to train after remembering the aggression it demonstrated during Olivia's grand trial. Professor Kukui and Olivia then revealed to Ash that Rockruff's behavior was a sign that it was going to evolve soon. Despite this setback, Ash encouraged Rockruff to use its fighting spirit, allowing it to outrun and defeat Lycanroc, thus earning Ash a Rockium Z. Unfortunately, Rockruff, who was acting aggressively, was so desperate to battle Lycanroc by itself that it impulsively used Bite against Rowlet, accidentally knocking it out. Despite their opponents giving them tough times with their combination tactics, Rowlet eventually managed to defeat Probopass with Bloom Doom.
In Trials and Determinations!, Rockruff was used in the Akala Island grand trial alongside Rowlet, battling Olivia's Lycanroc and Probopass. The battle was then interrupted by Team Rocket, who captured Pikachu and Lycanroc. Rockruff got quickly overwhelmed by Lycanroc's great speed and fierce moves but was still able to battle. Ash later used Rockruff in his battle against Gladion in which it battled Lycanroc. Later, it witnessed its evolved form Lycanroc winning a battle against a Blastoise, which greatly impressed it. In A Glaring Rivalry!, Rockruff was seen training with Ash's Rowlet and Litten. During the battle, Rockruff performed Breakneck Blitz for the first time, which was able to defeat Mudbray. In A Guardian Rematch!, Lycanroc, as a Rockruff, was used in its first official battle, in which it faced Hiroki and his Mudbray. At the end of the episode, Professor Kukui encouraged Ash to catch Rockruff after seeing the bond the two had developed. With Ash's help, Rockruff was able to master Rock Throw, which helped it defeat Magmar. This led them to Clawmark Hill, where they discovered that Rockruff had been fighting with other wild Pokémon, including a Magmar. In Rocking Clawmark Hill!, Rockruff came home injured, causing Ash and Professor Kukui to investigate the reason behind its injuries. Kukui had planned to battle Ash and Pikachu with Rockruff, but the party was interrupted by Tapu Koko, who challenged Ash to a battle instead. It was later seen the following day with Professor Kukui, watching the welcoming party Ash's classmates had prepared for him. Rockruff first appeared in The Guardian's Challenge!, where it had dinner and played with Ash and Pikachu.

From then on, Rockruff lived with Kukui, although he never caught it in a Poké Ball. Professor Kukui gave it some Pokémon food, which made Rockruff decide to stay at Kukui's house. It was starving and left confused from another Pokémon's Teeter Dance. Lycanroc, as a Rockruff, was a wild Pokémon that stumbled across Professor Kukui's house one day. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.